360 degree max – One stop solution for all your need ! !

Few organizations offering 360 degree feedback solutions really do offer more than just a 360 evaluation tool. We, being one of the few, do not restrict our range of options to just a 360 tool. We are a one-stop system for all your 360 feedback needs..

Competency mapping

Your 360 evaluation template can now be truly yours – handpicked from our basket of competencies. Our experts can pitch in to help you build your own 360 feedback competency dictionary from scratch to truly reflect your organizational needs.

Online 360 degree feedback

In a technology driven world, it makes sense to make your 360 feedback high-tech as well. 360 degree max, our online 360 feedback system has a range of features that would never be possible on paper. Robust, reliable and secure, our technology can do wonders for your existing 360 feedback event by automating it. Need even better? Buy our tool.

Online and offline 360 feedback administration

We aren’t among those who thrust a 360 tool in your hands and leave you in the lurch. We are with you, for you at every step of your online 360 feedback process – right from the uploading of data and personalized email invitation, to report generation. We also assist you in the nitty gritty of a 360 feedback survey – tracking and reminding assessors at regular intervals for improving participation.
Even if you choose not to automate your 360 feedback, you can bank on our expertise to help you handle a conventional 360 feedback session. This means we handle printing, distributing, and collecting of feedback till 360 feedback report generation – hands on – in your location.
We aren’t there just on paper. Our specialist professionals are there – physically.

Group Report and Presentation

Even after the successful completion of a 360 assessment, we don’t walk away. Seek our experts to analyze your group data and generate comprehensive 360 feedback reports with profound insights. We also facilitate workshops for sharing the reports with your team.

Ask your own questions

Just the right 360 feedback questions are the key to a wholesome, effective, honest and useful feedback. Give your 360 feedback questionnaire more breadth in terms of variety and type. With help from our experts, design a top notch 360 assessment with a professional quality questionnaire. Don’t go by clichés. Let your 360 assessment reflect your key competencies.

Custom Report

Our standard 360 degree reports are professionalism, best practices, efficiency, usability and simplicity personified. Yet, in our wide experience, we understand that every organization has unique needs. We don’t believe in force feeding unsatisfactory reports. We give you what you’d love. Our development team is highly capable of translating your inputs into reality and giving you the 360 feedback report that you truly deserve.


What good is a 360 feedback report if just put away in one of those dusty files?We provide one-on-one debriefing to your participants to help them understand their reports in the right perspective, handle emotions if there are any surprises in the report, identify their strengths and challenges, and create action plans to improve performance and relationships.
We do it all because that’s what 360 degree feedback is all about – a full circle, not a tiny tangent.