Features of 360 degree max

Leading organizations are employing 360 evaluation techniques to obtain holistic feedback for both the management and individual employees. Among the plethora of 360 tools available in the market, with features of 360 degree max by CEO undoubtedly stands out.

Here is why:

Customize your content – completely

We understand that every organization is unique, and so has to be their 360 feedback definition. With features of 360 degree max, feel free to add your own competencies, 360 feedback questions, email contents, introduction messages and so on. Or, you need something to add on to? Pick from our comprehensive list of features.

More than the usual 360 feedback questions

Don’t just post boring yes or no questions. Features of 360 degree max lets you include a range of question types for a comprehensive 360 questionnaire, be they rating questions, open ended questions or start-stop-continue questions.Get more feedback than just results.

Complete branding flexibility

Make our product truly yours. Every 360 degree feedback with 360 degree max can be completely branded with your logo, color themes, and fonts to match your corporate identity.

Break language barriers

Often, lack of understanding of the language makes the most earnest of ratings ineffective. We realize that a good 360 degree feedback doesn’t need a specific language. Our multilingual 360 degree max lets you choose the language your participant will understand the most.

Review and correct

A 360 evaluation session is a powerful tool that can make or break advancement strategies. It naturally makes sense to allow assessors to review or edit their ratings any time during the feedback.

Standard or custom reports

We don’t give you jargon laden reports that you can’t make anything of.Simplicity being our forte, e360 offers you a complete 360 feedback report with information essential for the participant to quickly understand the report and act. We do more than text – we do it in the form of charts, text and data tables to make the report palatable.Not just this, both individual and group reports can customized to your needs.

Participant assessor grouping

Participant assessor grouping in 360 degree max isn’t just in the hands of the administrator, but in true 360 style, also the participants, depending on the maturity and need.

Break and continue

How many 360 feedback sessions while in process, let you grab a bite and get back to your rating session?
Features of 360 degree max does. It auto-saves your data, so you can come back and continue as if you never left.

Track and remind

People forget. 360 degree max doesn’t.
360 degree max lets you track the progress of the 360 feedback closely and send targeted reminders to improve participation

Putting safety first

No cheating anymore.
Individualized email invitation to every assessor to participate in the feedback with secure username and password weeds out unreliability.